First Phase of the Clubhouse Restoration Project now Complete!

2023 will mark OTLBC’s 100th year on Cameron Avenue. With the support of grants from Canadian Heritage, the City of Ottawa (Heritage Funding), Accessibility Funding, ongoing fundraising and sponsorship initiatives, member special assessments and donations from a large community of donors, we have now completed Phase I of the Clubhouse Restoration Project.

On the weekend of June 2 to 2 we hope you will join us to celebrate this incredible milestone. To date, our community has raised $1.66 Million towards Phase I, the ground floor restoration of our heritage clubhouse.

The restoration is the largest project in the club’s history. Phase I involved extensive improvements to the building's structure, insulation, wiring and plumbing; restoration of original building elements, and locker rooms.

View our list of Committed Donors

Behind the scenes construction - October 2021

Next Steps for the Restoration Campaign

2023 is a year to celebrate our club, the campaign, and this historical achievement.

Donations will continue to be accepted to fund the gap between funds raised ($1.66 Million as of April 2023) and the total project cost of Phase I ($2 Million). The project gap will be funded through member donations, operations surpluses and bank loans.


Ways to Donate

The OTLBC is grateful to be able to accept charitable donations through their partnership with the National Sport Trust Fund (NSTF). Donors who pay with credit card or cheque will be issued charitable tax receipts by email after completing the online donation form through the NSTF website.

Gifts will be deposited into a bank account dedicated to the clubhouse-restoration project. To recognize leadership gifts, naming opportunities are available for the verandah, second-floor board room, washrooms and upstairs hall. Naming rights are also available for court improvements. Anonymous gifts are also welcome.

1. Outright Donations -  NSTF via credit card or cheque
2. Pledge -  OTLBC Pledge Form. 
3. Legacy Gift - A gift in your will would also be greatly appreciated to help support future capital projects. Read the Legacy Giving FAQ.
“The club holds so many wonderful family memories for me. The Ottawa Tennis Club is the last of its kind and with all the tennis club closings lately, I really hope the club can survive and thrive. My three children regularly spent the whole day there playing tennis, swimming and grabbing a snack at the restaurant.”- Janet Scanlon McDiarmid, Member, OTLBC 1962-1982


View our list of Committed Donors


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